Facts & Questions

What is mediation?

Mediation is when two people make decisions with the help of a neutral and impartial third person. This third person is the mediator. The mediator does not give advice, but helps people make decisions by looking at the options and working out what is best for all concerned.

Will you try to get us back together?

No. Mediation is not reconciliation or a counselling service.

Do both parties have to attend together?

Yes. Mediation can only work if both parties are present at the same time. In some situations both parties may be in different rooms for part or all of the meeting and the mediator goes between them.

What are the benefits of using mediation?

Mediation is the quickest and cheapest way of resolving disputes and making arrangements for your children and assets after separation and divorce. It can also improve communication.

Will it really work for me?

Mediation will work if both parties are willing to try to accept they each have different views and needs that are important to them. Then Mediation can be the best way to find out how these views and needs can be met.

Is it legally binding?

A financial agreement made in Mediation will need to be put into a consent order by a solicitor. Once the Consent Order is sealed by the Court, it will then become legally binding. Agreements about children may sometimes be put into a contact order, but the Courts prefer parents to take responsibility for the agreement themselves.

Will I still need a solicitor?

A solicitor can provide legal advice before during and after Mediation. This is important to help you make sure the decisions you are making are in your best interests.

What if my ex-partner changes their mind about the agreement?

If people have worked together to reach an agreement in mediation they are unlikely to change their mind unless there is a good reason. There may be changes in their life, or aspects of the agreement that need more discussion. When this happens a further mediation meeting may restore the agreement.

What if the situation changes for one of us?

Sometimes changes in people’s lives mean a return to Mediation is needed. This is the easiest way to make changes to any existing agreement or deal with any new issues.


Our services have become more flexible and we now offer our mediation services online.
This has been very popular, as you don’t have to take time off work or travel. We offer a choice of online or face to face meetings in our Benfleet, Essex office.

Whether it’s a divorce, separation or financial dispute, we can provide mediation services online to resolve it whatever your location.

Get in touch today and find out how we can help.

290 Kiln Road,

Ben fleet,

Essex, SS7 7QT

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